Photo diary; everyday life in Pozo Izquierdo and other windsurfing locations.
© Copyright: Dani Miquel

Friday, 3 June 2011

Backside 360

Two days ago, I shooted this sequence of Aleix Sanllehy doing a nice backside 360, and I asked him to explain the maneuver himself, thesse are his words:

First of all I would like to clarify that we are facing a move considered as part of the last generation in waveriding, from the Shaka in freestyle but incorporated to the wave, being called then Backside-360 or Shaka in the wave.

The first step is making the correct selection of the most hollow part of the wave, finding in it a good wall to lean against it, allowing to complete the maneuver in the wave and not at the back.

The next and crucial step is the famous hip hit, that is essential to allow the rotation of the maneuver, at the same time your head looks towards the point at which you want to rotate in order to complete the rotation, because you have to know that where the head goes the body will follow.

It is also essential to move your back hand to the end of the boom, so you can keep the sail against the wind pushing gently with the back hand to control the sail and overcome the 360 degrees rotation needed to complete the maneuver.

If you have these three points in mind and train a lot, you will end up getting the "timming" needed to feel the wave which is what will allow you to complete the maneuver and will make you feel very satisfied to successfully overcome this difficult yet rewarding, nice and spectacular maneuver.

Go for it !!!

See you in the water !!!!

PS: the original words from Aleix were in spanish, I did my best to translate it, but I'm affraid the final ressult is not as good as it should, for the ones who preffer the original words in spanish, here they are:

En primer lugar me gustaría aclarar que estamos frente una maniobra considerada de última generación en el mundo del Wave, procedente del Shaka de Freestyle pero incorporada en la ola llamándose Backside-360 o Shaka en la ola.

El primer paso para realizarla es la correcta selección de la parte mas hueca de la ola, encontrando en ella una buena pared donde podernos apoyar, permitiendo así poder terminar la maniobra dentro de la ola y no fuera de ella.

El siguiente y fundamental paso es el famoso golpe de cadera el cual es esencial para permitir la rotación de la maniobra junto con la cabeza, buscando de nuevo el punto en el cual queremos rotar para así poder realizar todo el giro ya que tenemos que tener muy claro que donde va la cabeza va el cuerpo.

También es imprescindible llevar la mano de atrás un poco retrasada, así podremos mantener la vela contra el viento empujando con suavidad con la mano de trasera para poder acabar de rotar los 360 grados necesarios para terminar la maniobra.

Si tenemos estos tres puntos en la cabeza y entrenamos muchísimo, nos encontraremos que poco a poco vamos consiguiendo un “timming” al unísono con la ola que nos permitirá finalizar correctamente la maniobra y nos hará sentir muy satisfechos de salir airosos de esta difícil pero a la vez gratificante, espectacular y bonita maniobra que uno puede realizar.

Ánimos y adelante !!!

Nos vemos en el agua.!!!!

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